Saturday, September 30, 2006

Teaching through Blogs

How lucky generation we are that,with the help of technology in this digital age we can easily communicate through the screen no matter where we are.Most of the things would still be difficult and burden for us if it were not for the innovations in the field of tecnology.Accesing and finding the particular information just in a second,for which you have been losing your time while seeking in the library,being able to communicate with someone who is millions miles away from you,are absolutely the miracles that make the life much more easier when compared to past.Technologhy is becoming one of the most essential part and parcel of the people's lives day by day.

To be honest I've never thought the blogs can be applied to teaching field and used for sharing information before I read the chapter and saw the samples of it on the internet.In my opinion for all the future teachers,as we are,blogs can be considered as an effective and time-saving way of teaching any topic online.Isn't it a kind of learning that we are doing right now? We are reading the posts of our classmates and having an idea on how to use these blogs in our classrooms through the blogs we have just created.It explicitly shows the fact that blogs can be applied to classroom setting for teaching,sharing information and so on.

My future goal is to be an academician,instructor in one of the leading universities of Turkey and I want to specialize in English and American Literature.If will be an academician in this field I will definitely use these kinds of blogs for information sharing with my students.I will guide and encourage them to use blogs via internet with their peers for their opinions or comments on the novels,poems or any short stories.As literature courses something that require the deep use of their thinking or commenting,these blogs will absolutely help them to post their opinions online and share them with their classmates.Just posting these opinions online on the blogs will save their time.Insead of trying to reach the papers personally and read them by hand,this way of accesing,will make the teaching process much more efficient and enable them to get more involved in the technologhy.Moreover students can post their feedbacks for their classmates through blogs.This method also will help me a lot to be more organized as a teacher.I will not have to use the blacboard and lose my time.I will not have to repeat the instructions over and over.Just posting the necessary information,documents and essential guiding questions on the blogs will ease the process.

Through these blogs everybody will have something to say.That means in the clasroom,of course there will be some students who is shy to talk,who is afraid to express opinions in such kind of courses.Blogs will be a kind of discussion board for them and they will help explain their opinions easily which encourages them to practice the language more.

Blogs also motivate the students to use the internet more actively.As everything will be online with these blogs,students will have the chance of accessing the relevant information they are looking for quickly and esaily while surfing on the internet.For example while a student is reading and discussing a novel by James Joyce on the blogs,she will have the chance of accessing every specific information about him right away online through the links of the webpages that the instructor has posted to the blogs.By this way learner will arrange,solve and get everything done actively using the internet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your ideas for using blogs in your teaching sound exciting. If you teach current literature at some point, you might also get in touch with an author and see if they would participate in a blog by answering students questions about their work, about their background or about writing in general.
Good luck.

9:06 AM


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